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The Dead 2: India 2013

The story this time revolves around an American electrical engineer, Nicholas (played to perfection by Joseph Millson) who finds himself stranded miles from anywhere when outbreak of the undead strikes. BritFlicks

The Ford Brothers are not covering new ground with this film, although it has to be said the ground they do cover is strikingly photographed. The wind farm sequence when Nicholas (Joseph Millson, the convincingly compassionate action-hero) looks down on a slow-motion zombie attack, a nightmarish motorbike ride through the dark wilderness and a field of freshly dug graves being notable visual highlights. Flea Pits and Picture Palaces

For the most part, the performances are really strong too. Millson doesn't have much more to do than react to things happening around him, but the pain of not being able to see his pregnant girlfriend (which is helped by some forced backstory) comes across in every one of his actions. Flickering Myth

A very charismatic and watchable Joseph Millson (Casino Royale, Holby City) is Nicholas, an American engineer installing wind farms in India. Live for Films Here, the Ford Brothers expand upon the idea of a love story/familial ties beyond a rumpled family photograph as seen in the original and have delivered a more charismatic leading man in the form of Millson... Screen Jabber.

Actor Joseph Millson carries a majority of the film, and thankfully he is an actor that is not only up to the task; but is one who has the ability to do so. It’s a wonderful cast overall, but these two actors in particular deserve a special mention, they were both just such a pleasure to watch and the connection is there right from the beginning. Creep Show Radio