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New edition of this 'funny, febrile and fascinating' (Times) play - alongside ten-city tour heading for the West End and starring Nick (Lock, Stock) Moran. The four assassins of Thomas Becket take refuge in Knaresborough Castle as public opinion turns against them. Corcoran 'pulls off something surprising - this comedy of anachronism often feels authentically medieval' - Observer.

From Centreline website

"...writer Paul Webb flips the coin on the tale of the murder of Thomas Beckett. Historical fact is blended with modern language which brings the story kicking and screaming into the noughties"  - Dover Gazette & Folkestone Herald

"vigorous and accessible .. add to this a healthy dollop of sexual tension between the knights and a female steward and you have two hours of emotionally combustible entertainment"  - Birmingham Post

"Writer Paul Webb's first work for the stage is a cracker... Director Paul Miller has cast some of theatre's most exciting actors including Nick Moran of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels as Brito. With great performances and a funny, clever and detailed text, this is one of the most innovative and entertaining plays I have seen for a very long time"  - Western Morning News>

"A cracker...historical drama for the Tarantino generation"  - The Daily Telegraph

"Funny, febrile and fascinating...the hottest ticket in town"  - Daily Express

"Mad, Bad and the map, the wall and it's head"  - The Times

"a rare, intense drama, superbly acted, with a brilliant cast and performed with top-quality precision"  - Wolverhampton Express and Star

"we are carried along quite splendidly by a vigorous young company directed by Paul Miller"

"splendidly vibrant performances by Nick Moran, Tim Dantay, Joseph Millson and Robert Cavanah, and one of steadfast authority by Joy Brook as the girl who has their unpredictable company while they hide in the castle."  - Black Country Evening Mail