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See Joseph as Hamlet

Posted: May, 17, 2008

By: admin

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On a dark eerie night a ghost resembling the recently deceased King of Denmark walks the ramparts of Elsinore Castle. The voice from the grave tells Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, that Claudius the former King’s brother murdered him. Hamlet vows revenge on Claudius, who has not only succeeded the King’s throne but has also married his mother, Gertrude.
Joseph commented on the role:
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Website Interview April 08

Posted: Apr, 29, 2008

By: admin

Comments: 0

Joseph very kindly agreed to do another interview for the website. The anwers have been posted a little sooner than expected; some forum members and I unexpectedly met Joseph after his fantastic performance in Possessed last night, and he had the interview with him! We were pleased to be able to wish him a very Happy Birthday. Full details of the encounter are on the forum.

Interview ideas were stolen shamelessly from Variety and the Daily Telegraph, with some cheeky questions from forum members. There are 3 sections.

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Stand Up For Shakespeare

Posted: Mar, 04, 2008

By: admin

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Flip from the forum, while browsing the RSC website, spotted that Joseph had signed up to the Stand Up for Shakespeare campaign (page 11).

Joseph Millson Actor

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Cinderella interview Dec 2007

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

Comments: 0

The Independent On Sunday magazine ran a full page interview and photo of Joseph today. Thanks to Joseph for letting us know. I scanned the article and have added the large version to the galleries. 

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Exclusive Website Interview : Part 2 Jan 2007

Posted: Jan, 29, 2008

By: admin

Comments: 0

Here is the second part of the interview! Interesting news about his new project!

Section C – Much Ado specific

Your portrayal of Benedick had the critics raving – how did you put together your take on such a well known character

We had a long rehearsal – maybe too long. I just played and explored each scene for itself, tried not to worry about the picture, the arc of the story too much. That’s for the audience to see. Stole as much as I could from other Benedicks ! 

You played Benedick for over six months – what did you do to keep the character fresh

Kept trying new things – within reason. Tuned in to the very different atmosphere that each audience brings every night. Concentrated on the other actors.

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