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Signs of Life: new interview with Joseph Millson

Posted: Sep, 23, 2023

By: admin

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A great new interview with Joseph Millson promoting the kickstarter for Signs Of Life has been shared by Newbury Today. Check out the kickstarter link here.

“Supporters can read the script, get personal video messages, see their names up on screen, have personal coaching from Joseph, get a bespoke song written or even become an ‘Executive Producer.’ “And if readers can’t spare any money the support offered by retweeting, sharing and recommending to others is hugely appreciated. “I’m no social media genius, but we’ve made it easy to find us – why not watch our films on YouTube and take a good sniff of our crowdfunder.”


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Signs of Life: Kickstarter now open!

Posted: Sep, 10, 2023

By: admin

Comments: 0

Message from Joseph Millson about a brand new kickstarter for feature film Signs of Life, written and to be directed by Joseph himself. Please share widely and support if you can. 

Now then, the Kickstarter thingy for what will be my first feature as writer / director goes live today.

If you can , please take a sniff. It’s going to be a genuinely useful and uplifting film for wobbly times. Be amazing if you can help in any way especially if you’d consider some kind of social media thumbs up for us and a nudge to those who follow you to sniff us.

Any support is genuinely huge at this stage. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, word of mouth all and any are awesome. Even a retweet with a word of support.

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