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The Dead 2 India: Zombie Hamster video interview

Posted: Sep, 19, 2013

By: admin

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So lovely that new interviews continue to appear online, long after FrightFest has finished. Zombie Hamster interviewed Joseph at The Dead 2: India premiere, and have shared it on You Tube. 

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The Dead 2 India: Guerrilla film making lowdown

Posted: Sep, 15, 2013

By: admin

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A fabulously long and fascinating video interview with Joseph for FrightFest, has been uploaded to You Tube. Joseph regales with stories of his time filming The Dead 2 in India. 

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The Dead 2 India: FrightFest interview for Clout

Posted: Sep, 08, 2013

By: admin

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Another video interview with Joseph at last month's FrightFest has appeared online thanks to Clout Communications. 

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The Dead 2 India: FrightFest Premiere Scene interview

Posted: Aug, 25, 2013

By: admin

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Another great video interview with Joseph, from Thursday's premiere of The Dead 2: India at FrightFest, has been uploaded to You Tube by Premiere Scene. 

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The Dead 2 India: FrightFest interviews

Posted: Aug, 25, 2013

By: admin

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Screen Daily has posted a report from the Q & A following the premiere of The Dead 2: India on Thursday night. Read it in full on the Screen Daily website.

John Ford let the crowd into a taste of the unique challenges facing them filming the sequel on location. “We literally got stoned in India, but more in the Life of Brian kind of sense. And I got hit with a dog. It wasn’t a small dog either, someone dropkicked it at me. But it wasn’t all bad… actually it was all bad.” “A lot of the stunts are for real. [There’s a] car that comes off the cliff, the stunt went wrong and we had to try and push it off. Joe [Millson], who’s actually not that great with heights, did a flying kick at the car when it got stuck and off it went,” added Howard Ford.

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